A review to our events

GlobalConnect 2022
On November 15, 2020, GlobalConnect at Landesmesse Stuttgart will once again be the meeting point for the export industry. The edubiz conference will discuss how recruitment, qualification and cooperation abroad create new human resources.
Brazilian deligation: Innovation and industry 4.0
A high-ranking delegation from the Brazilian Ministry of Education visited Germany. The edubiz unit of local global has developed a programme that has made dual education and industrial innovation tangible in Germany.

HRDD Webinar – Human rights due diligence
The online training on European HRDD legislation on global supply and value chains. Target groups are suppliers of internationally operating brands, local trade associations and chambers as well as sourcing companies with local subsidiaries.
Supply chain management: New global challenges
The online compact seminar over 4 days with 90 minutes each helps you to analyze and control supply chains and to limit risks. Experienced practitioners from purchasing and logistics also discuss individual solution approaches for your company with you.

Event: OKR for agile enterprises
Corona: Overcoming the crisis with innovations
Together with Deutsche Messe Technology Academy and the Steinbeis School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE), edubiz organized an online seminar series lasting several weeks in summer 2020. Top experts, who are well aware of the potential, but also of the difficult conditions in the industry during the Corona crisis, shared their practical knowledge.

Italy: The Challenge of Digitization
As one of the most important industrialized countries in the world, Italy is facing the challenges of internationalization and digitization. The conference at didacta Italia in October 2019 discussed the importance of digital literacy for the competitiveness of the country’s small and medium-sized industrial companies.
CEE: Potential for cooperation
Together with the CEEPUS education network, which is active in 14 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, we present the potential of the region’s universities and talents for internationally active medium-sized industrial companies. Our joint conferences in Budapest 2017 and 2018 focused on the transformation of the automotive industry.

Edubiz through the Years
edubiz Conferences
2019 edubiz at Didacta Italia
- Dr. Theodor Niehaus, Presidente Didacta e.V
- Niccolò Manetti, vice presidente Camera di Commercio di Firenze
- Cristina Grieco, Assessore alla formazione e lavoro della Regione Toscana
- Jörg Buck, Consigliere delegato Camera di Commercio Italo-Germanica (AHK Italien)
- Sara-Julia Blöchle, GOVET
- Domenico Mauriello, Unioncamere Nazionale
- Giovanni Chiappa, Digital Promoter Pid Camera di Commercio di Firenze
- Nicolò Nicolosi, FESTO Italia
- Alfonso Fuggetta, CEO di Cefriel e Professore ordinario di Informatica Politecnico di Milano
- Daniele Bernardini, CEO AISmart Inc
- Domenico Di Monte, Pneumax SpA e Assofluid
- Edoardo Cocchi, HR di Knorr-Bremse, Firenze
- Thomas Jost, Lucas-Nülle GmbH, Kerpen
2018 edubiz at Globalconnect 20-21 june
- Prof. Dr. Jens Vogelgesang, Prodekan für Internationale Beziehungen, Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
- Carlos Medina-Drescher, Generalkonsul des Königreichs Spanien in Stuttgart
- Carmen Álvarez-Cienfuegos Rico, Spanische Botschaft, Abteilung für Arbeit und Soziales
- Dr. Verena Andrei, Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart/Welcome Service Region Stuttgart
- Julia Behne, Handwerkskammer Region Stuttgart
- Muhammet Karatas, Industrie- und Handelskammer Region Stuttgart/KAUSA Servicestelle Region Stuttgart
- Gabriela Martinez, Bildungswerk der Baden-Württembergischen Wirtschaft/Center for European Trainees
- Dr. Andreas Streit, mm-lab GmbH, Kornwestheim
- Ramiro Vera-Fluixá, Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung (ZAV)
2017 edubiz @ Automotive Hungary
- Prof. László Palkovics – Minister of State for Higher Education, Hungary
- Róbert Ésik – President of Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency HIPA
- Gábor Jóo – Education & Master Trainer, Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Hungary
- András Somogyi – HR Director, Bosch Hungary
- Olivia Schuber – Head of Educational & Academic Cooperations, Audi Hungaria
- Daniel Hörcher – Faculty of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Dr. Miran Rodič – Institute of Robotics, University of Maribor
2016 edubiz-conference and forum at Globalconnect
June 12, 2016
- Prof. Mircea Dumitru, Minister of National Education and Scientific Research, Romania, Current CEEPUS Chair
- Giovanni Bocchieri, Ministry of Education of the Lombardy Region, Italy
- Elisabeth Sorantin, Secretary General CEEPUS
- Eric Reuting, HR CEO Volkswagen Slovakia
- Prof. Juraj Sinay, President of the Automobile Association Slovakia, Director of the Technical University Košice
- Reinhard Koslitz, Managing Director Didacta Verband e.V., Verband der Bildungswirtschaft
2016 edubiz at Didacta in Cologne
2015 edubiz at Didacta in Hannover
2014 edubiz at Didacta in Stuttgart
- Peter Friedrich, Minister for Bundesrat, Europe and International Affairs in Baden-Württemberg
- Dr. Željko Jovanović, Minister for Science, Education and Sports Croatia (tbc)
- Stefan Chudoba, State Secretary, Ministry for Education, Science, Scientific Research and Sports of Slovakia
- Joachim Möhrle, President of the Handwerkstag Baden-Württemberg
2012 edubiz at Learntec in Karlsruhe
2010 Premiere at Globalconnect in Stuttgart
June 12, 2010
- Ernst Pfister, Minister of Economic Affairs Baden-Württemberg
- Ulrich Dietz, Chairman GFT Technologies AG
- Prof. Dr. Werner G. Faix, Director of the School of International Business and Entrepreneurship of Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin
- Ursula Schwarzenbart, Director Global Diversity Management, Daimler AG
- Dr. Christoph Mehl, HR developer, Dürr AG
- Dr. Fritz Audebert, Chairman, ICU.net AG